Celebrate National Poetry Month at the Manayunk-Roxborough Art Center

with readings by

Amy Small McKinney, Aaren Y. Perry, Allison Whittenberg, and Sean O’Neill

Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.

419 Green Lane (rear), Philadelphia, PA 19128

hosted by David P. Kozinski

an “open-mic” will follow the featured readings


Amy Small-McKinney

Amy Small-McKinney is the author of three full-length poetry books and three chapbooks, including her newest full-length, & You Think It Ends  (Glass Lyre Press, 2025). She has been published in numerous  journals, as well as anthologies, and her poems have been translated into Romanian and Korean. Small-McKinney has a degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from Drexel and an MFA in Poetry from Drew University. She is a Montgomery County PA Poet Laureate Emeritus. She now resides in Philadelphia.

Aaren Y. Perry

Aaren Y. Perry’s most recent book Shipping and Receiving is published by Moonstone. Bilingual with an MFA from Vermont College, Perry is a grant writer and editor. He edited a forthcoming collection of new poems by lamont b. steptoe; co-edited with James Villarreal, Under Lock and Key: 100 Poems From Death Row, by Anthony Reid; and co-edited The Art Of Inclusion with John Lavin and Eleanor Wilner. Shipping and Receiving and his book Open Fire  (Whirlwind Press) are available at yeattsperry.consulting@gmail.com.

Allison Whittenberg

Allison Whittenberg is a Philadelphia native and the author of several books for young adults, including Maine Under Water, Tutored, Hollywood and Maine, Life Is Fine, and Sweet Thang. Sane Asylum (2022) is her adult novel and her collection of short stories is entitled Carnival of Reality (2023). Her poetry has been published widely in Redivider, New Orleans Review, Columbia Review, Feminist Studies, and elsewhere. She is an eight-time Pushcart nominee. Her collection of poems is They Were Horrible Cooks (2024)..

Sean O’Neill

Sean O’Neill grew up in Delaware County and attended Philadelphia College of Art. A BFA in metal-smithing included humanities. A single poetry class seeded into sketchbooks and notes as part of his art practice. Within the MRAC co-op, he leads some of the monthly poetry critique meetings as well as participating in the visual arts. With each season change O’Neill hosts a get together for the solstice or equinox. He once pushed his wheelchair 47 miles from Hilo Bay to the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, a 13,800 ft. elevation gain.