Opening Reception March 5, 2017
Exhibition Open March 5, 11, and 12
The Manayunk-Roxborough Art Center kicks off its series of 2017 exhibitions with Ekphrastic, a unique collaboration between MRAC CoOp Artist and Writer-Poet members.
MRAC Writer-Poets were invited to choose CoOp work that spoke to them and create new poems and written pieces around those works This marrying of art and poetry has resulted in an unprecedented explosion of creativity in the MRAC community - over 32 poems reflecting over 20 pieces of work.
MRAC is excited to share this new fusion of their two programs and invites you to join us for the Opening Reception of Ekphrastic on March 5, 2015, starting at 12PM, at the Manayunk-Roxborough Art Center, 419 Green Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19128.