Four Writers from Three States –

Sunday, July 9, 2017 @ 3:00 p.m

Four writers making their MRAC featured debuts:

Phillip Bannowsky, James Carpenter, Mary Finnegan & Patricia L. Goodman

hosted by David P. Kozinski:

James Carpenter's poetry and fiction have appeared in dozens of publications includingPoet LoreI, Fiction International, and the Chicago Tribune. His novel, No Place to Pray, is a finalist for the Foreword INDIES best small-press novel of 2016.

 Patricia L. Goodman is a widowed mother and grandmother, with a degree in Biology and membership in Phi Beta Kappa. Her career consisted of training and breeding horses with her orthodontist husband in Chadds Ford, PA. Her poems have been published widely both online and in print, she has received numerous awards, and her first book, “Closer to the Ground”, was a finalist in the Dogfish Head Poetry Contest. She received a Pushcart nomination in 2015.

Phillip  Bannowsky  is  a  retired  autoworker,  internationaleducator, human rights activist, and 2017 Delaware Division of the Arts Estab-lished  Artist  Fellow  in  poetry.  Published works include The Milk of Human Kindness  (poetry), Autoplant: a Poetic Monologue,  and   The Mother  Earth  Inn  (novel).   He  is  a contributing  editorat Dream-streets Magazine and Broadkill Review and curates, a Delaware authors catalogue.

Mary Finnegan is a writer living in the Philadelphia area. She is also a nurse because writing did not provide funds to maintain her lavish life-style, which includes having a roof over her head and daily meals. Her writing has appeared in Dead Housekeeping, PILGRIM: A Journal of Catholic Experience, and New Verse News. She won Third Prize winner in The 2014 Tuscany Press Short Story Contest. She is well on her way to receiving 100 rejections this year with a few scattered acceptances to spice it up.

An “open-mic” will follow the featured readings, so bring five minutes of work to read (not your epic, please). Light refreshments provided.