The Manayunk Roxborough Art Center located at 419 Green Lane (rear) in Philadelphia is featuring the following poets:
Barbara Daniels, Charlie O’Hay, and Ryan Wilson
on Sunday, July 7, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM.
Open reading to follow.
$5 Donation requested.
Refreshments will be provided.
Barbara Daniels’s Rose Fever was published by WordTech Press and her chapbooks Moon Kitchen, Black Sails and Quinn & Marie by Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press. She received three Individual Artist Fellowships from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and earned an MFA in poetry at Vermont College. Her chapbook The Woman Who Tries to Believe won the Quentin R. Howard Prize from Wind Publications. Her poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Mid-American Review, WomenArts Quarterly Journal, The Literary Review, and many other journals. Barbara Daniels and her husband David Daniels wrote two textbooks, English Grammar and Persuasive Writing, published by HarperCollins. Listen to Barbara read “Sugaring,” published in The Cortland Review.
Charlie O'Hay is a Philly-based poet whose work has appeared in over 200 small press publications, including West Branch, Gargoyle, Mudfish, Apiary, and the Painted Bride Quarterly. His two collections—Far from Luck (2011) and Smoking in Elevators (2014)—are available from Lucky Bat Books
Ryan Wilson is the Editor-in-Chief of Literary Matters ( and the author of The Stranger World (Measure Press, 2017), winner of the Donald Justice Poetry Prize. His work appears widely in periodicals such as Best American Poetry, Five Points, The Hopkins Review, The New Criterion, The Sewanee Review, and The Yale Review. Currently, he is the Office Administrator and C.F.O. of the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers (ALSCW), and he teaches at The Catholic University of America and in the graduate program at Western State Colorado University. He and his wife live north of Baltimore.
Peter Krok, Humanities Director at MRAC, is the coordinator of the MRAC Reading Series. He is also the editor-in-chief of the Schuylkill Valley Journal Print and Online at For information about the program, contact Peter Krok at